Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Story Summaries

Why Don't You Dance
- A middle aged man lived outside of his home with all his belongings on the front lawn and driveway. A young couple who were trying to get an apartment together, were walking by and thought it was a yard sale. So the girl and boy ended up looking around and sitting on the furniture. They wanted to buy a lot of things from the man. When the man came back from shopping, he said he would sell it all to them. He gave them drinks and danced with the girl after he put on some records. Later the girl was telling people about the night but she left out info, and nobody knows what it is. I am personally confused by this story, I didn't get the point, and I have a lot of unanswered questions.

Black Elvis
- A black guy performs at a blues restaurant, singing and playing Elvis songs on his guitar. He was told that night when he gets to the restaurant that his friend Juanita had passed away the night before. A new singer is hired to perform before Black Elvis and he is a better sing and he is Korean. He has a better guitar and Black Elvis fears that he will loose his job or at least his fans. When Black Elvis goes up to perform he sings "Amazing Grace" as a memorial song for Juanita. The boss loved the song and praises Black Elvis afterwards. Later that night when he goes home, Juanita is sitting on the sofa in the dark talking to him. He says he doesn't believe in her and she says she doesn't believe in him. When he turned on the light, she was no longer there. Black Elvis looks out the window to see two boys painting his picture on the street and he feels a sense of fan love.

A & P
- This story is told from the register worker's point of view and he/she is the narrator. Narrator sees the young girls in bathing suits come into the convineint store. The girls get what they need. The one girl is like the Queen of the trio, the narrator notices. One of the workers gets all pissed off that the girls aren't dressed right for the store and tells them to not come back dressed like that again. The narrator thinks that his/her co-worker is being too harsh cause the confrontment made the young girl get blushed. So the narrator tries to be a unlikely hero for the girls and tells the boss that he/she quits. But by that time the girls have already walked away.

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